Title: Quiver representations
Speaker: Tanisha Mandar Talekar (MSc 23)
Date & Time:11th March 2025 (Today) | 9:00pm
Venue: PSB 1207
Abstract: Quivers are directed graphs that may have multiple edges or self-loops. The study of representations of quivers has gained significant attention in recent years, with applications across several areas of mathematics, including category theory, representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, and even algebraic geometry. Many mathematical problems involve classifying objects according to certain properties, and this is exactly what we will be looking at.
A central result in quiver theory is Gabriel's Theorem, which provides a classification of all quivers of finite type. Pierre Gabriel’s famous theorem classifies these quivers by associating them with the Dynkin diagrams. We will explore quiver representations and their associated path algebras, followed by a brief introduction to root systems, before ultimately delving into the main result: Gabriel's classification theorem.
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