Title: The many dynamics on(f) the shift space
Speaker: Bharath Krishna S
Date and Time: 6 th February 2025| 9 pm
Venue: PSB 1207
Abstract: The shift spaces is one of the key tools in the study of symbolic dynamics. These objects further have a lot of interesting connections with other branches of Mathematics (a few of which will be discussed in this talk). The initial part of the talk shall focus on introducing the shift space and the shift map by motivating it using some nice examples from graph theory/ combinatorics and linear algebra. The major portion of the talk shall focus on providing various structures (read as topological and measure theoretic) to the shift space and see how these structures interact with each other giving rise to interesting dynamics on the space. If time permits we shall also highlight some research questions and connections to nearby frontiers like complex dynamics and other areas. The talk shall for the most part be accessible to a beginner. Do join in to get introduced to the world of symbolic dynamics and to know the logic behind the pun in the title as well!
AnnouncementAdmission to the IISER BS-MS program, 2025
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