We're excited to invite you to our upcoming talks as part of S6, the sixth anniversary of CMIT, where we'll explore new frontiers in the fascinating world of mathematics!
Title: On the Pappus' theorem in geometry
Speaker: Dr. Vaibhav Vaish (IISER Mohali)
Date and Time: 27th November 2024 | 4 pm
Venue: To be announced
Abstract: We will attempt to trace the mathematical history of ideas beginning with Euclidean Geometry (aka high school geometry), navigating through Cartesian geometry (aka co-ordinate geometry) and leading upto the modern pursuit of Algebraic Geometry. At the mathematical core of this journey we will keep Pappus theorem (in Euclidean geometry) which is known for more than sixteen hundred years, but still motivates and underlies important results proven less than sixteen years ago by Kollar and collaborators (in Algebraic geometry).
Title: Cataland: A Romance of Many Bijections
Speaker: Dr. Manjil Saikia (Ahmedabad University)
Date and Time: 27th November 2024 | 7 pm
Venue: To be announced
Abstract: We examine one of the most ubiquitous mathematical sequences, particularly in combinatorics, the Catalan sequence. We explore some of the objects enumerated by this sequence and consider connections that emerge when looked at through a combinatorial lens.
AnnouncementAdmission to the IISER BS-MS program, 2025
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